Academic and research achievements:
Albert Zamarin was born in Šibenik on November 11, 1968. He finished primary and high school in Šibenik, where he earned the mathematician-informatics degree. After serving the military term of the one year, in 1988, he continued his education at the study of Naval Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka, the design and construction of the ship, where he graduated in June 1993 with the title Structural design of 5000 tdw Tanker for Arctic condition, gaining the bachelor degree.
Upon completion of the study, in September 1993 he was employed at the shipyard "3. MAJ "Rijeka as an apprentice in the prefabrication workshop. By completing the trainee period, he moves to the technical office, the hull department, where he works in the Technical office on computer preparation of the ship structural elements for cutting and on the hull classification and workshop documentation.
In December 1994 he was employed as a research fellow at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka. In the same year he enrolled in postgraduate studies, course Computational Mechanics, module Structural Analysis and Optimization. Master thesis entitled The hydrodynamic load of the slender ship at Seaway is successfully defended in June 1998 and doctoral dissertation titled Numerical modelling of ship extreme loads at large amplitude waves was successfully defended in 2003. In the same year he was elected as assistant professor. In 2009, he was elected as a senior scientific associate while in 2010 he was elected as a scientific advisor in the scientific field of technical sciences, shipbuilding. In 2014 he was elected as full professor and in 2019 as full professor with tenure.
Holds lectures from the subjects: Structural elements of the ship, Ship construction, Strength of the ship, Ship Structural analysis, Construction of Small Vessels, Ship structural design at the university and vocational undergraduate, university graduate and doctoral studies of shipbuilding at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rijeka. He is author of forty scientific and professional papers, in domestic and foreign journals and on congresses in the country and abroad. His scientific interest is primarily in the areas of design of the marine structures, numerical modelling and analysis of ship structures, shipbuilding technology, and the use of composite materials in shipbuilding.
He has performed numerous duties at the Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka. He was the Head of the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in the mandate of 2007 to 2010. Since 2004 he has been Head of Chair for Ship Construction and Head of Laboratory for Computation Engineering in Shipbuilding. Since 2008, he is a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, HAZU, the Section of Marine Technology. Since 2012 he has been a member of the ISSC, as a member of the Committee II.1 Quasi-static response, and since 2015 as a member of the V.3 Material and fabrication technology Committee.
List of founded projects:
- 1994.-1997., Project 2‐09‐012 Interaction of Marine Technology Objects with Environment, Principal Researcher Prof. D.Sc. Julian Dobrinić, founded by MZOŠ RH.
- 1997.-2002., Project 069007 Vessels Hydrodynamics: Resistance, Propulsion and Seakeeping, Principal Researcher Prof. D.Sc. Alice Vučinić, founded by MZOŠ RH.
- 2002.-2006., Project 069010 Numerical modelling in hydrodynamics of floating structures, Principal Researcher Prof. D.Sc. Bruno Čalić, founded by MZOŠ RH.
- 2006.-2009., TEMPUS project EC CD_JEP-40037-TEMPUS III-2005 under the title Advance Ship Design for Pollution Prevention, Principal Researcher Carlos Guedes Soares, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa.
- 2013.-2017., Project Unapređenje metodologije projektiranja procesa gradnje broda, Principal Researcher Prof. D.Sc. Nikša Fafandjel, funded by University of Rijeka.
- 2018.- Project uniri-technic-18-159 Development of Methodology for Ship Design and Production towards Industry 4.0. Concept, Principal Researcher Prof. D.Sc. Albert Zamarin, funded by the University of Rijeka
- 2019.- Interreg 2019_2021 V Project METRO - Maritime Environment-friendly TRanspOrt systems, with University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture as leading partner.
He lives in Kastav, married and father of three children. Speaks fluent English, and he is basic user in Italian language.