Assoc. Prof. Dr Irena Radić Rossi


1) I. Radić Rossi, M. Nicolardi, Brodolom kod Gnalića – Ogledalo renesansnog svijeta, AGM, Zagreb, 2019.
2) I. Radić Rossi, J. Casaban, K. Yamafune, R. Torres, K. Batur, Systematic Photogrammetric Recording of the Gnalić Shipwreck Hull Remains and Artefacts, in: J. K. McCarthy, J. Benjamin, T. Winton, W. van Duivenvoorde (eds), 3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology, Springer, Cham, 2019, 45-65.
3) I. Radić Rossi, M. Nicolardi, M. Bondioli, In hoc signo I numeri romani del relitto di punta Plovac (Plavac) e il problema dell’interpretazione dei segni di carpenteria navale, Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea 16, 2019.
4) I. Radić Rossi – G. Boetto (eds), PAKOŠTANE - VELI ŠKOLJ: Kasnoantički brodolom u geografsko-geološkom i kulturno-povijesnom kontekstu / Late Roman Shipwreck in its geological, geographical, cultural and historical context, Sveučilište u Zadru - Institut za pomorsku baštinu ARS NAUTICA, Zadar, 2018.
5) I. Radić Rossi, Osnovna terminologija za potrebe arheologije broda / Basic nautical archaeaology terminology, Archaeologia Adriatica 9 (2015), 2017, 415-453.

List of projects
1) HRZZ, collaborator, 1.040.000,00 hrk, Sediments between source and sink during an eustatic cycle: System of late Quaternary Krka river and the Mid Adriatic Deep (QMAD), 2020.-2024.
2) HRZZ, mentor, four-year salary for PhD student, Development of Careers of Young Researchers – Education of New PhD Fellows, 2016.-2020.
3) COST, collaborator, assigned funds vary from year to year, around 800.000,00 eur, People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923), 2019.-2022.

Previous participation in HRZZ projects
1) Sediments between source and sink during an eustatic cycle: System of late Quaternary Krka river and the Mid Adriatic Deep (QMAD), 2020.-2024. – project just started (collaborator)
2) Razvoj karijere mladih istraživača – Izobrazba novih doktora znanosti, 2016.-2020. (mentor)
Publication: K. Batur, I. Radić Rossi, Archaeological Evidence of Venetian Trade in Colouring Materials: The Case of the Gnalić Shipwreck, u: A. Haack Chistensen, A. Jager, Trading Paintings and Painters' Materials 1550-1800, CATS Proceedings, IV, 2018, Archetype Publications, London, 2019, 111-120.
3) Arheologija jadranske plovidbe i brodogradnje / Archaeology of Adriatic Shipbuilding and Seafaring – AdriaS, IP-2014-09-8211 (principal investigator)
Publications: All publications cited in the beginning of the text, etc.

Guest lectures at international conferences and/or summer schools
1) Archaeology of Adriatic Shipbuilding and Seafaring – University College London, 20 November 2019
2) The contribution of recreational diving to archaeological discoveries –H2020 workshop – Green Bubbles, Milano, 19-20 October 2018
3) Significant examples of ancient Adriatic seaborne trade evidence in the Eastern Adriatic – ERASMUS+ ARCHMAT Summer School, Sicily, 19-27 July 2017

Other significant academic achievements:
1) visiting professor at the Cathedra of Nautical Archaeology, Philipps University, Marburg, winter semester AY 2016/2017
2) visiting lecturer on the Master of Global Maritime Archaeology, University of Malta, since 2016
3) affiliated researcher – Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA), since 2015
4) adjunct professor, University Texas A&M, since 2014