According to the work plan, the NEREAS Project foresees the achievement of ten objectives. The first objective is successful project management, which will be achieved through the implementation of activities under Work Package 0, i.e. careful planning of all project activities, coordination of the work of all team members, regular holding of project meetings and ensuring the quality of work to achieve the project objectives. In addition, it is planned to regularly monitor the financial status of the project and to execute all activities on time and in accordance with the budget, which includes the upgrading of equipment and the acquisition of professional literature.
The second objective of the NEREAS Project is to analyse the effect of the strength of amphorae on the evolution of their shape. For its implementation, the activities from Work Package 1 need to be carried out. First of all, research will be conducted that will form the basis for the selection of amphorae for numerical modelling, paying attention to the most typical forms that appear over a given period. Numerical modelling of the selected amphorae and testing of their material models will follow. This part of the work will be published in the form of a scientific article in a journal in WoS and/or Scopus. The article will be submitted to the journal at the end of the first year of the project. Thereafter, a comparative analysis of the strength of the amphorae will follow, with the focus primarily on the relationship of their strength to the evolution of the form. This work package will end with the publication of another scientific article in a journal in WoS and/or Scopus. The article will be submitted to the journal at the end of the second project year.
The third objective of the NEREAS Project is to consider possible variations and errors in ship reconstruction, and will be achieved through activities in Work Package 2. First, on the example of the selected ancient ship the variations in reconstruction, allowed by the existing archaeological evidence or by absence of it, will be checked. The activity will take place during the first project year. Subsequently, an examination of the possible variants will be carried out, paying attention to the errors that may occur by selecting certain less suitable variants, and selecting the variant that best suits the state of the archaeological site. Work package 2 will end with the publication of the research results in a scientific article published in a journal in WoS and/or Scopus. The article will be submitted to the journal at the end of the second project year.
The fourth objective of the NEREAS Project is the numerical reconstruction of the ancient shipwreck, and will be implemented on the example of the ancient shipwreck on the island of Žirje, within Work Package 3. The series of activities will start with the analysis of the mentioned shipwreck, in order to obtain data needed for further work. The first activity will take place during the first half of the first project year, after which the production of numerical model of the ship and cargo will continue until the end of the project year. During the second project year, modelling of several predicted shipwreck scenarios will follow, and during the first half of the third project year, a comparison will be made of the results obtained. The results of the AdriaS Project (IP-2014-09-8211) will be used as the basis for these activities. Work package 3 will end with the submission of a scholarly article in WoS and/or Scopus, in the middle of the third project year.
The fifth objective of the NEREAS Project is the comparative analysis of joints in ship structure. The objective will be implemented under Work Package 4. Project activities on this topic will begin in the middle of the second project year by analysing and selecting the joints for modelling, and will continue during the third project year by modelling the joints, and comparing the results obtained. Work package 4 will end with the submission of scientific article to a journal in WoS and/or Scopus, at the end of the third project year.
The sixth and seventh objectives of the project relate to the seakeeping tests for the ships Condura Croatica and Gagliana grossa, and will be implemented within Work Package 5. Work will begin on numerical modelling of Condura Croatica in the second half of the second project year (A 5a.1), according to existing design resulting from the AdriaS Project (IP-2014-09-8211). The testing of numerical model will be performed during the first half of the third project year. During the second half of the third project year, documentation and a realistic model of the ship will be prepared. It will be tested in the towing tank of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb during the first half of the fourth project year. By the middle of the fourth year, the scientific work with the results of the project activities will be submitted to a journal in the WoS and/ r Scopus. With regard to the ship Gagliana grossa, field data collection, started in 2012, will continue. Data will be collected during the eighth and ninth project months, during the first three project years. In parallel with the data collection, work will begin on the preliminary reconstruction of the ship. During the third project year, the development of a numerical model and its testing will be performed, with the possibility of modifying the model based on the obtained field data. During the fourth project year, the preparation of documentation and real model of the ship, and its testing, are planned. On that basis, a chapter in the final project monograph will be prepared.
The eighth objective of the NEREAS Project is to define the framework for research in modelling of aging of ship structure. It will be implemented under Work Package 6. Preparatory work on the given topic will be carried out during the third project year, after which an attempt will be made to numerically model the aging and degradation of the ship, and the impact of this process on the creation of an archaeological site. Given the complexity of the problem, modelling will remain at the experimental level.
The ninth objective of the NEREAS Project is the successful transfer of knowledge, which will be implemented under Work Package 7, through the co-organization of one scientific conference and two workshops, four study visits, enrolment and participation in the doctoral study and the inclusion of postdoctorand/doctorand in teaching activities.
The tenth objective of the NEREAS Project is the successful dissemination of project results. This objective will be achieved through Work Package 8, which will include the establishment and maintenance of the project website, elaboration of promotional materials, participation in eight international congresses, public lectures and media releases.